what is new in laravel 9

Laravel 9 is the latest version of the Laravel framework, released in September 2021. It includes a number of new features and improvements, including:

  • Laravel Jetstream: Laravel Jetstream is a new scaffolding library that provides a modern application foundation for Laravel applications. It includes customizable UI components and user authentication scaffolding.
  • Laravel Fortify: Laravel Fortify is a front-end agnostic authentication backend for Laravel applications. It provides a simple interface for managing user registration, login, email verification, and password reset.
  • Laravel Sanctum: Laravel Sanctum is a lightweight, flexible authentication system for SPAs (single-page applications) and APIs. It allows you to authenticate users with cookies and tokens and provides simple API endpoints for managing user sessions.
  • Lazy collections: Laravel 9 introduces lazy collections, which allow you to iterate over large collections of data without loading the entire collection into memory at once. This can improve performance and reduce memory usage for applications that need to work with large datasets.
  • Blade component tags: Laravel 9 introduces a new syntax for defining Blade components, which makes it easier to create and reuse UI elements in your views.

In addition to these new features, Laravel 9 also includes a number of other improvements, such as improved model factory support, improved authorization responses, and more. You can find more information about the new features and improvements in Laravel 9 in the official release notes.

Here are some additional features and improvements that are included in Laravel 9:

  • Mailcoach integration: Laravel 9 includes integration with Mailcoach, a self-hosted email marketing and newsletter platform. Mailcoach provides a simple, user-friendly interface for managing subscribers, creating campaigns, and sending newsletters.
  • Laravel Sail: Laravel Sail is a new command-line interface (CLI) tool for quickly setting up and deploying Laravel applications on Laravel Homestead and Laravel Vapor. It includes commands for creating new projects, managing dependencies, and deploying applications.
  • Improved Eloquent relationships: Laravel 9 introduces a number of improvements to Eloquent relationships, including support for additional relationship types and improved relationship helper methods.
  • Laravel Nova improvements: Laravel Nova, the official Laravel administration panel, has been updated with a number of new features and improvements, including improved resource tools, custom cards, and support for PHP 8.
  • Laravel Zero improvements: Laravel Zero, the lightweight, framework-agnostic version of Laravel, has been updated with a number of new features and improvements, including support for Laravel 9, PHP 8, and Laravel Fortify.

Overall, Laravel 9 includes a range of new features and improvements that make it easier to build high-quality, scalable, and maintainable applications with the Laravel framework. You can find more information about these features in the Laravel documentation.

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